Your landscape planting is designed and installed with low maintenance in mind. Low maintenance, however, means that there is still care that you, as the new owner, must do to keep them alive, healthy, and looking beautiful.
We’ve selected the healthiest plants with excellent organic soil amendments below the soil surface to assure good root growth as well as above the soil surface for moisture retention. But, we cannot provide water that is absolutely essential for your plants. Only you and the Creator can do that. Water is needed immediately after installation. Please do not hesitate to water by hand with a hose even if you have an irrigation system or there is rain in the forecast. Rain sometimes never materializes and irrigation systems need frequent tuning to ensure they reach ALL plants adequately. You need to take the time to closely observe your irrigation system to make sure that it does indeed ALL of your newly installed plants.
How to water your newly installed plants
The new plants need frequent watering for the first two weeks so that the soil never dries out. That is your first goal. After that, your plants will need at least three (3) good soaking events per week. If the weather is windy, sunny, or dry (low humidity), then they will need more watering.
The best way to know if the soil is saturated sufficiently is to kneel down, brush aside some mulch, and probe into the first three inches of the soil. If it is cool and moist, then your plants should be happy. You need to inspect in this manner several places in the new planting area(s) especially if you have an automatic irrigation system. Often enough, it can easily miss several or many of your plants. In some cases, it can even skip over a plant and water all others around it. Inspection for the soil moisture is necessary!
If you are enrolled in our organic plant care programs, we will feed your plants with liquid foliar feedings and soil-delivered nutrients. They will also be getting regular inspections and treated with horticultural oils and organic insecticidal soaps as insect issues arise. This is all part of the six-visit package. If we have not given you a price quote or information about this program for the new plantings, please let us know. Don’t let your new plants go unattended.
Image credit: Image by Ralph from Pixabay
Lorenzo Parello
bravo Antonio sei il migliore